Thursday 7 March 2013

Does age really matter?

I don’t know how many women this has happened to but I do know that I have been in this situation before. I also know that many of my friends have been in the same situation. Does age matter when it comes to dating men? Many women go for older men but is it really such a big deal when we go for younger men? More recently my best friend has been seeing this boy (I use boy because he is younger and I have not met him to confirm he is a man just yet) as a friend, things became a bit more complicated when he admitted that he had feelings for her. Even though she wont admit it, I feel that, she is only holding back because of his age. I would like to take this moment and just clarify where I stand on this matter.

I have dated younger guys, they have always been lovely, and they have always been just like every other guy. The moment the age factor comes into play is when their maturity is not up to scratch. You could date a man 20 years older than you but if he still baths with a rubber duckie and calls his mom to say goodnight every evening; he is not going to be very appealing. I don’t think that age should ever factor into a decision when it comes to dating. Maturity is the thing that should be thought about. He may be two years younger than you but he may be the perfect companion for you and you will throw it away because of what people may think of you? It is hard enough finding someone in this life that is decent to you. Don’t throw him away because he is younger.

My great godmother was 85 years when we had a conversation about her boyfriend who she had been dating for 45 years and had never married. He happened to be 17 years younger than her. She got the talk from everyone. People would say that she could be his mother, that he was so much younger and they would tease her that she had a toy boy. Her response? “Yes I could have been his mother but I am not, yes he is my toy-boy but he opens the door for me and that is all I need and yes he is so much younger, but after 60, we all look the same anyway.” She was right and I feel like that last bit applies to us even when we are younger. After 21 years old, we all look the same! Whether we act the same or not, is a completely different story but if he is a couple of years younger than you, it means nothing in the long run. It just means that when you are old and wrinkly, you may the one who gets the few extra wrinkles first. If men can date younger women then women should be allowed to date younger men without having the social stigma attached to their entire relationship that it is doomed from the start.

I think my friend should give this guy a chance. If he is not the one she is meant to be with then she can move on. We are so young and we have our whole lives to find our person. If he happens to be her person, then she wont care what his age is. She will be happy that he is younger, because then the inevitability is that he will stick around for longer.

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